Dear Colleague,

I would like to share information about Yo! Philly Votes, a crowdsourced election protection app. A prototype was developed at Random Hacks of Kindness in June 2012 at Drexel University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Ushahidi-powered app will aggregate, visualize and contextualize multiple sources of real-time Election Day reports from, i.a., Our Vote Live [], Video the Vote, Twitter and trusted users. Yo! Philly Votes will empower ordinary citizens and community leaders to sound the alarm about voting irregularities so that problems can be corrected before the polls close.

This citizen-led initiative needs developers and designers to help 
customize the dashboard at the upcoming Hacks for Democracy [] in Philadelphia. We invite your participation in person or via Skype. If you are interested in getting involved in this civic engagement project, please contact Faye Anderson at 215votes@....

For background information, check out a recent blog post published in 
Philadelphia Weekly, “Voter Activist Hopes to Stop More ‘New Black Panther’ Incidents With Poll-Watching App” []. Also, please “like” us on and follow us on Twitter: @215votes.


Faye M. Anderson
Project Manager
Yo! Philly Votes