Hey folks,

The Nepal Monitor team was instrumental to the work done during the Nepal Earthquake recently. Interested in this opportunity below? 

Send in your tenders by October 18th, 2015.

Angela Oduor Lungati.
Ushahidi Inc.
Platforms: Ushahidi | Crowdmap | CrisisNET | SwiftRiver
Mobile: iOS | Android | SMSSync 
Skype: ngelzy
Twitter: @AngieNicoleOD

Begin forwarded message:

From: Neil Horning <neilhorning@...>
Subject: Fwd: [Allpbi] Please circulate - NepalMonitor is looking for a consultant to produce training concept and materials
Date: October 5, 2015 at 9:28:09 AM EAT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Please Circulate Widely.

Neil Horning
Nepal Digital Humanitarian Coordinator
Project Committee | NepalMonitor.org
Coordination Team | Quakemap.org
Mobile: +977 984-959-0609
Skype: nhorning

The Digital Humanitarian Coordinator role is an initiative of the digital humanitarian community, supported by UNHCR.
Partners include DHN, Kathmandu Living Labs, Humanity Road, Standby Task Force, ACAPS, and OCHA. 

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:[Allpbi] Please circulate - NepalMonitor is looking for a consultant to produce training concept and materials
Date:Wed, 23 Sep 2015 16:09:02 +0100
From:Isec Administrator <admin@...>

Please circulate the attached job advertisement as widely as possible please!
Many thanks!
Development of training concept and materials to strengthen the Capacity Building Component of NepalMonitor.org
Opportunity closing date: 18 October, 2015
Opportunity type: Call for tenders

Marie Becher
Beraterin auf Zeit | Ziviler Friedensdienst
peace brigades international | Deutscher Zweig e. V.
Bahrenfelder Str. 101a | D-22765 Hamburg
Fon +49 (0) 30 31800672
pbi | Promoting nonviolence and protecting human rights since 1981
Spendenkonto Nr. 200 105 | Sparkasse Neuwied | BLZ 574 501 20

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