Dear All,
Challenge of collecting data on sensitive
issues, such as gender based violence, is a well-documented problem across the
globe. Stigma and shame prevent many victims of rape, harassment and other
types of sexual assault from reporting these crimes or discussing them with
researchers. New technologies and social media platforms open up possibilities
to overcome some of the barriers to data collection. Therefore HarassMap is
pleased to invite you to its conference "Technology for social change:
crowdsourcing to end sexual harassment in Egypt”. The conference will present
and discuss the effectiveness of uses of alternative data collection
methods to gather information on sexual harassment. The meeting will take
place on Sunday 22th of June at Safir Hotel, Dokki
at 9 A.M.
خريطة التحرش مشروع محتضن لدى جمعية نهضة المحروسة
HarassMap is an incubated project at Nahdet ElMahrousa