HI Folks, our friends at New Tactics are hosting on online chat about Human Rights and Social Media.
Maybe you can participate?


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From: New Tactics in Human Rights <newtactics@...>
Date: Mon, May 13, 2013 at 8:23 AM
Subject: Join our Online Conversation on Social Media!
To: hleson@...

Learn about our current and upcoming dialogues, and explore this month's feature tactics and resources.
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Current Conversation: Incorporating Social Media into your Human Rights Campaigning - NOW OPEN!

Join the engine room and the New Tactics online community for an online conversation on Incorporating Social Media into Your Human Rights Campaigning from May 13 to 17, 2013. Social media is being used by human rights organizations around the world.  But how do organizations use these tools strategically and creatively to reach their goals?

Take a quick look at our instructions for how to participate in the online conversation on our new website. If you get stuck, contact us! We’re here to help.

Next Conversation: Tactics for Combating Militarisation

Join War Resisters International and the New Tactics community for an online conversation on tactics for combating the militarisation of education, public spaces, vulnerable communities, entertainment and culture, from June 10 to 14, 2013. This conversation is an opportunity for teachers, students, lawyers, peace activists and practitioners from around the world  to share their experiences and challenges in combating the culture of militarism in their communities.

If you are interested in helping to lead this conversation, please contact us!

Featured Resources for the Strategic Use of Social Media

This month, we are focusing on the strategic use of social media. We believe that by sharing examples of successful social media tactics, we can think of ways that these tactics might apply to our own work. To that end, here are a few examples of social media tactics that we think you'll find interesting. You can explore all of our tactics related to social media on our website, under the tag 'social media'.
  • Mobilizing supporters on social media to get the attention of strategic targets - It’s not everyday that you can get the United States State Department to respond publicly to your concerns, this is - unless you have an enormous global network on Twitter! Amnesty International USA was able to get the attention of the Assistant Secretary of State, Mike Posner, with the help of several thousand supporters from around the world who used Twitter to urge the United States to respond to human rights violations in Bahrain. Join Christoph Koettl (the man behind this action) in this month's online conversation!
  • Using social media to collectively document abuses and honor victims and activists - To honor people and cities that had a profound effect on the course of the Syrian revolution, anonymous artists created special stamps and published them on Facebook. Stamps of the Syrian Revolution are mock postage “stamps” that feature photos of events ripped from the headlines, or of influential people in the uprising.
  • Using social media to engage supporters in documenting their acts of solidarity - The Facebook campaign "Kurd Men for Equality" was launched to send a message to authorities in Iran: Being a woman is not a tool to humiliate or punish anyone. The campaign was launched in response to a court case in which a man, convicted of domestic abuse, was ordered to wear women's clothing as punishment. This punishment was meant to be a form of public humiliation. But instead, because of this campaign, this punishment has been transformed into an opportunity for men to show their support and solidarity with the women in their communities.

Updates from the New Tactics Team

-- The New Tactics Team
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New Tactics in Human Rights helps human rights defenders work more effectively so they can achieve their goals and better address human rights violations around the world. New Tactics is a program of the Center for Victims of Torture (CVT). CVT works to heal the wounds of torture on individuals, their families and their communities and to stop torture worldwide. New Tactics supports this work by strengthening the culture of human rights and the ability of human rights defenders to more effectively advance and advocate for human rights.
Copyright © 2013 Center for Victims of Torture - New Tactics in Human Rights, All rights reserved.
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St. Paul, MN 55104

Heather Leson
Director of Community Engagement
www.ushahidi.com and https://wiki.ushahidi.com
@heatherleson / skype: heatherleson