What you're asking about is actually the next step of the Addons feature (Plugins + Themes) which in essence, work more or less the exact same way using the cascading filesystem. Better illustrated below:

- Themes
    - [default theme]
        + views
        - media
            + css
            + images

Basically we'd take the default views and dump them in the above structure and have the system set to look for the views in '[default theme]' by default. Its actually very easy to do that at this point. The only thing we have to do before making this step is clean up the views, which still have a lot of php code in them. Those will be replaced by helper functions so that they become one-liners.

On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 8:16 AM, John Etherton <john.etherton@...> wrote:

I’m looking for functionality similar to WordPress, where you can rewrite the views. In 2.0 using plugins, is there an easy way I can set my plugin’s view folder to have a higher priority than the application/view folder? This way my plugin could easily overwrite an entire view. Or should I just create an event for the creation of the view and allow my plugin to override the default view that way?




John Etherton

