How do users find plugins - will there be a central database ala wordpress?  How are plugins updated over time?

And just to make sure I understand the documentation - it's possible to write plugins that add completely new controllers / views without using hooks - i.e. by just having the views and controllers directories laid out correctly, right?


On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 7:49 AM, Caleb Bell <caleb@...> wrote:
Hi Folks,

David and I are organizing for a screen cast that will cover Ushahidi Plugins.  The screencast will basically be a conversation between David and I where we'll discuss the plugin system and do some diagraming/visuals along the way. Our hope is to produce a screen cast that will cover the basics of the Ushahidi Plugin system and give a general overview of how to create one.

Please reply with any questions you have about the system that you'd like to see covered.  For those of you already familiar with the system, if you think of a question that would be helpful, you can send it on too.

Here are a few questions to get the ball rolling:
  • How has the plugin architecture altered the Ushahidi core platform (code-wise or directory-wise)?
  • What is a hook?
  • What is a filter?
  • How do I handle database changes or updates needed for my plugin?
  • How do I get started writing my own plugin?

Please send all questions in no later than Friday (June 4) of this week. We'll try to cover as much of them as we can during the screen cast.


Caleb Bell
US: 850.366.3702