Thanks for clarifying Robbie, that’s exciting to hear!   Makes me excited to jump back in again and see how the new v3 works.

Daniel Latorre, The Wise City
Gathering & connecting wise crowds
Twitter @danlatorre & @TheWiseCity

Q: Why is this email five sentences or less?

On January 30, 2015 at 10:30:17 PM, Robbie MacKay (robbie@...) wrote:

On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 8:14 PM, Daniel Latorre <danlatorre@...> wrote:
Great to see this, I like the new UX, I’ve used Ushahidi since late 2010 for a few years but had to stop because the separation between logic and presentation layers (MVC) was too mixed. Does v3 fully separate presentation from logic?

The V3 client and backend are totally separate, even living in 2 different repositories: and The backend just provides a REST API, and the client is a (Angular) JS app built on top of that.

My context is in "slow disasters” aka Urban Planning and Community Organizing (deployed the first use Ushahidi for urban planning in fact)... the UI content needs are different so I’d like to have a theme that will not break with each update. 

Previously, we had to re-do hardcoded UI elements with each Ushahidi update which quickly proved totally unsustainable for ongoing use in the nonprofit I was working with on multiple projects, this also means that we didn’t try to contribute our code back since it was not supporting that bound mix of UX-logic model. 

I've definitely had that problem myself. Even when working on the 2.x core, I'd still end up breaking my theme with version updates. Not ideal.
I don't think we've totally cracked the theming problem in v3 yet. Initially we're going to focus on making it easy to customise just with a custom CSS.
I suspect there will still be cases where you want to modify the UI further.. we're still thinking about how best to tackle that. 

If anyone wants to talk about system architecture and UX w/ me in detail please let me know, I’m very interested still in using Ushahidi for civic (slow crises) uses… some of these uses can help *prevent* hot crises. 

Thank you, 

Daniel Latorre, The Wise City
Gathering & connecting wise crowds
Twitter @danlatorre & @TheWiseCity
Q: Why is this email five sentences or less?

On January 23, 2015 at 10:45:43 AM, Angela Oduor Lungati (angela@...) wrote:

Hey folks!

We just released another beta version of Ushahidi v3.

Take it out for a spin on our demo site, but keep in mind that this is not ready for production, but we continue to get closer.

username: demo

password: testing

What’s in it?

A sneak peek into some of the things to expect from this release:-

  • New features like:-

    • We’ve also added the category and user management UI

  • Improvements such as:-

    • Form attributes API has been refactored to match the new architecture

Have a look at our release notes and blog post announcement for more details on changes in this release.

How can you help?





We are grateful for you, the Ushahidi community for all your input and feedback! Do feel free to reach out to any of us with questions, comments and concerns.

In the meantime, stay tuned on our blog, meetup page, twitter, facebook page and wiki for more announcements.

Have a great week!
Angela Oduor Lungati.
Ushahidi Inc.
Platforms: Ushahidi | Crowdmap | CrisisNET | SwiftRiver
Mobile: iOS | Android | SMSSync 
Skype: ngelzy
Twitter: @AngieNicoleOD

Robbie Mackay

Senior Software Developer
Ushahidi Inc
m: +64 27 576 2243
skype: robbie.mackay