Hey everyone!!

Over the past few weeks, we’ve thrown a few hints on a data project Ushahidi has been working on internally.

The enormous amount of information generated by disasters like the earthquake in Haiti or conflicts like the ongoing Syrian civil war is one of our biggest assets in understanding and responding to crisis. For years this resource has been squandered — locked away in forgotten databases, undocumented APIs, or proprietary formats that hide data in pie charts and “situation reports.” It’s time for the next generation in big data for social good

Today, we launch CrisisNET, the world’s first global firehose of crisis data. CrisisNET can retrieve reporting and incident data from any source, understand that data, and make it available through a simple but robust API, making it easily accessible to developers, data scientists and data journalists across the globe.

Get started by exploring that API, or dive right in and register for an API key.

As always, feedback from our community is greatly appreciated. Feel free to reach out to Chris Albon or Jonathon Morgan if you have any questions/ideas/improvements you would like made to the platform.

Have a great week ahead,

Team Ushahidi


Angela Oduor.
Ushahidi Inc.
Platforms: Ushahidi Crowdmap | 
Mobile: iPhone | Android
Skype: ngelzy