You should make sure you've these android SDK versions installed. They're needed by the libraries.


On Sat, May 31, 2014 at 4:32 AM, kaka prakasa <kaka.prakasa@...> wrote:

Have you, follow the instruction from wiki?

sent from my NEXUS 5

On May 30, 2014 3:14 AM, "Gabriel Machado" <gabrielmcf@...> wrote:
Hi people!

I'm from Brazil and I'm doing using Ushahidi at my site

I've not announced it to public yet because i want to lauch it with the apps. But i'm having problem compiling the app using the land SDK with the ADT from google.

I'm on a Debian 7 and using the ADT 22.6.3 (

I've cloned the 2.9.4 branch on GitHub (, but i have tried with the master branch as well and it gives always an erros on Core library.

Eclipe (4.3.1) gives me this message when i import the project:

[2014-05-29 15:46:58 - abs] Unable to resolve target 'android-16'
[2014-05-29 15:46:58 - google-play-services_lib] Unable to resolve target 'android-8'
[2014-05-29 15:46:59 - Core] Unable to resolve target 'android-17'
[2014-05-29 15:46:59 - Coretest] Unable to resolve target 'android-7'
[2014-05-29 15:47:00 - abs] Unable to resolve target 'android-16'
[2014-05-29 15:47:00 - Core] Unable to resolve target 'android-17'

The Core library gives me two erros, on the and on files. The erros is on the command setPluginsEnabled(true).

I would be very thankfull if you could help me!

Abraços e beijos.

Ushahidi -- Information Collection, Visualization, & Interactive Mapping |
Ghana: +233243581806
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