
I am using Ushahidi 2.7 and I am trying to make a more
detailed label for the layers I use.  So far I've figured out how to
add the data, but I don't want to show it all (in order not to
confuse people).  To do this, I added some html (I underlined this in this email) in
"layout.php" (themes/default/views/main/layout.php) and
this seems to be working well.  You can see the example here:

<blockquote><!-- Layers (KML/KMZ) -->
                <div class="layers-filters clearingfix">
                    <strong><?php echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.layers_filter');?>
                            [<a href="javascript:toggleLayer('kml_switch_link', 'kml_switch')" id="kml_switch_link">
                                <?php echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.hide'); ?>
                <ul id="kml_switch" class="category-filters">
                <li><span class="swatch" style="background-color:#e2001a"></span><span class="legend">شكاوة</span>
                    foreach ($layers as $layer => $layer_info)
                        $layer_name = $layer_info[0];
                        $layer_color = $layer_info[1];
                        $layer_url = $layer_info[2];
                        $layer_file = $layer_info[3];
                        $layer_link = ( ! $layer_url)
                            ? url::base().Kohana::config('upload.relative_directory').'/'.$layer_file
                            : $layer_url;
                            echo '<li>'
                            . '<a href="#" id="layer_'. $layer .'">'
                            . '<span class="swatch" style="background-color:#'.$layer_color.'"></span>'
                            . '<span class="layer-name">'.$layer_name.'</span>'
                                                    . '</a>'
                                                    . '</li>'
                                                    . '<li>'
                                                    . '<span class="swatch" style="background-color:#004b7d"></span>'
                                                    . '<span class="legend">في القاهرة و المحافظات</span>'
                            . '</li>'
                                                    . '<br>'   
                                                    . '<li>'
                                                    . '<span class="swatch" style="background-color:#95d4e6"></span>'
                                                    . '<span class="legend">في المدن الجديدة<span>'
                                                    . '</li>'
                            . '<br>';

                <!-- /Layers -->
The next thing I'm trying to do, is to make this detailed label conditional of which layer is active; I now have two layers, with each two labels, and I only want to show the labels of the layers who's active.

I tried to add  " if ( $('layer').hasClass("active"))" but this gives an error, does anyone know how to help me out?

<!-- Layers (KML/KMZ) -->
                <div class="layers-filters clearingfix">
                    <strong><?php echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.layers_filter');?>
                            [<a href="javascript:toggleLayer('kml_switch_link', 'kml_switch')" id="kml_switch_link">
                                <?php echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.hide'); ?>
                <ul id="kml_switch" class="category-filters">
                <li><span class="swatch" style="background-color:#e2001a"></span><span class="legend">شكاوة</span>
                    foreach ($layers as $layer => $layer_info)
                        $layer_name = $layer_info[0];
                        $layer_color = $layer_info[1];
                        $layer_url = $layer_info[2];
                        $layer_file = $layer_info[3];

                        $layer_link = ( ! $layer_url)
                            ? url::base().Kohana::config('upload.relative_directory').'/'.$layer_file
                            : $layer_url;
                        echo '<li>'
                            . '<a href="#" id="layer_'. $layer .'">'
                            . '<span class="swatch" style="background-color:#'.$layer_color.'"></span>'
                            . '<span class="layer-name">'.$layer_name.'</span>'
                                                    . '</a>'
                                                    . '</li>';
                                                if ( $('layer').hasClass("active"))

                                                    echo '<li>'
                                                        . '<span class="swatch" style="background-color:#004b7d"></span>'
                                                        . '<span class="legend">في القاهرة و المحافظات</span>'
                                                        . '</li>'
                                                        . '<br>'   
                                                        . '<li>'
                                                        . '<span class="swatch" style="background-color:#95d4e6"></span>'
                                                        . '<span class="legend">في المدن الجديدة<span>'
                                                        . '</li>'
                                                        . '<br>';
                <!-- /Layers -->

I also have a smaller question, I'm trying to change the swatch in the label from a square to a circle.  I changed the image type from rec to cir in swatch.php (in application/controllers/swatch.php), but this doesn't seem to change anything.

Thank you very much, Does