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Month: March 2013

Re: [ushahidi developers] Building Ushahidi 3.0

From: LBell <lbell270@...>
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2013 17:09:43 -0600
Thanks for the update - sounds like a lot happening.

Curious if you have a vague idea (non-binding, of course) of when 3.0
Alpha / Beta might be expected? Something within a range of months (or
years even) would be helpful.

And thanks for the awesome work,


On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Robbie MacKay <robbie@...> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Just a quick update on Ushahidi 3.0. Now that Uchaguzi is done I'm getting
> moving building API, and we're starting to dig into the design and workflow
> issues. You can see what's happening on the wiki
> https://wiki.ushahidi.com/display/WIKI/REST+API and in the Github repo
> https://github.com/ushahidi/Lamu.
> Tracking the build
> We're trying to keep the processes lightweight, however there's still a lot
> to build. I'm tracking a backlog of features and other issues through github
> issues: https://github.com/ushahidi/Lamu/issues
> As each feature gets started we'll be adding rough spec details and comments
> to the ticket description, and when features are complete they'll be code
> reviewed using Github pull requests. Each of these steps is a chance for you
> to comment on how we're doing and suggest improvements.
> Most tasks will get assigned to and built by the internal team. But if you
> want to get involved in v3 development chime in on a ticket and let us know
> where you can help.
> A lot of discussion is happening between the core team at the moment, but as
> we get further in we'll be trying to open that up and get community feedback
> as well.
> Early targets and migration
> As we're pushing forward with v3, one the big items is going to be migration
> from Ushahidi 2.x.
> To ensure this works smoothly we've set a couple of early targets:
> 3.0 Alpha will try to cover core 2.x features and include an import script
> to pull data from 2.x. This will really be for developers and hard-core
> testers only. At this stage we won't be aiming for a nice import UI, just a
> solid import so we can start testing and ensure we don't lose data.
> 3.0 Beta will go further on migration. Migrating from 2.x will mostly likely
> be integrated into the UI of the installer. It may not be polished at this
> stage, but it should be enough have early adopters trying out the process
> and getting running.
> Shout out if you have any more question on the 3.0 build. I'll try and send
> more updates every few weeks as we get moving.
> Keep on mapping!
> Robbie
> PS I should have to Posts API ready for code review soon for anyone
> interested.
> Software Developer, External Projects
> Ushahidi Inc
> e: robbie@...
> skype: robbie.mackay