Hi All,
There are a few different threads discussing WMS now, so I'm moving the requirements to the wiki here: https://wiki.ushahidi.com/display/WIKI/WMS+Support
Maybe we can agree a draft a spec for this as a feature, and then plan a short sprint to get this built?

I happy with this either as a plugin or in core, but since KML layers are already supported in core I think maybe WMS should be too.


On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 1:35 AM, seth kigen <kibet1086@...> wrote:
WMS Plugin just got a major update to solve some of the major issues that: many have been encountering when adding WMS map layers to Ushahidi.
The most important feature that comes with the latest upgrade is the ability to add WMS based overlays and still have Google, OSM or Bing Maps remaining as the base layers.  The previous version didn’t allow for this scenario to occur, hence forced one to use WMS base layers in order to add overlays.
Another important feature that comes with this update is, an interface that will enable plugin configuration and easy layer management.
I have been able to test it with Ushahidi version 2.5 and 2.6 and it  is working perfectly.
If you are free to test it further, find it here..  https://github.com/kigen/Ushahidi-plugin-wms/downloads  I will appreciate any feedback. If you need any help find me on Skype.
I would like to register my appreciation to Robert Buckley who has helped me with lots of  invaluable feedback on features, testing & bug reporting.  Thank you!
Finally, there has been a common interest within the community to have WMS support baked into the core platform and I think I will be great to have it in core.  I would love to be able to help out in moving most of the functionality in the plugin to the core. Hopefully soon!
best regards,
Seth Kigen
@Kigen | Kigen@... | +254725 541 201 | Skype: sekiki2004

Robbie Mackay

Software Developer, External Projects
Ushahidi Inc
m: +64 27 576 2243
e: robbie@...
skype: robbie.mackay