Hi all,
A quick heads up, there is a code-freeze currently in effect. There is a 2.6b branch on github which is what we are testing in preparation for  2.6 version of Ushahidi Core. Development can still continue but on the develop branch on github. For testing, you can either do one of the following:
For all bugs, please log them here https://docs.google.com/a/ushahidi.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ajto4YrsWC3bdG1uNHJzSldvcEViQWdyZzE0Wlladnc#gid=4

Happy Testing.

Linda Kamau
Ushahidi Inc.
Platforms: Ushahidi | Crowdmap | SwiftRiver
Mobile: iphone | Android
Website: http://www.ushahidi.com
Cell: +254 723 674 180
Skype: lindakamau
Twitter: @LKamau