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Month: August 2012

Ushahidi Organization / Funding Structure

From: LBell <lbell270@...>
Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2012 08:36:33 +0700
Hi all -

Not sure the best place to ask this - but here it goes:

I've been super-impressed with the responsiveness of some of the
developers, especially via git., Thanks. However, as I continue to get
more involved, I'm interested to know more about Ushahidi as a whole.

Where can I learn more about Ushahidi as an organization / company?
Things I am interested in knowing:

- Size of the core team (and roles)
- Are there paid staff / developers?
- Who is ultimately responsible for development directions?
- Funding source(s)?
- Long-term prospects (and prospectus)?
- Legal status / business model of Ushahidi? (Non-profit / For profit
/ Registered?)
- etc.

My reasons are two-fold:
- First as I meet more of the group, it is fun to know who fits in
where into the master plan,
- And second, in my project's quest for funding, I need to be able to
answer potential donor's questions with something more than "Yeah -
its a great group of people... somewhere... doing assorted things to
make The Awesomeness."

My ultimate hope is that if I can scrape together enough funding for
implementation, I can start kicking some back into the Ushahidi
ecosystem - either directly to the core development, or to plugin /
independent developers who can address our niche needs. In the case of
Ushahidi core, I'm curious to know how that would be utilized.

For example, I was discussing my implementation with a "socially
responsible" venture capitalist last week who was throwing around
numbers that seemed would be best suited for giving Ushahidi a boost
(and my project could ride on the wave -- rather than fund our
implementation directly.) To paraphrase the discussion, it basically
boiled down to this: What could (and would) Ushahidi do with a million



**Note: this is not to even vaguely suggest that any money approaching
even a fraction of that sum is remotely likely to be coming my (or
Ushahidi's) way via this person, but it was an interesting discussion
that got me thinking in scales I had not previously considered.