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Month: June 2012

Developers needed

From: LBell <lbell270@...>
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2012 18:51:07 +0700
Greetings -

I've played around with Ushahidi off and on, and am looking to do a
long-term scale-able implementation.

There are a few features we need to add that could likely be handled
through plugins. I know PHP and basic coding - but don't really have
the time to get too deep into the Kohana framework right now...

So - I would rather throw money at the problem. ;)

Is there a place to find Ushahidi developers I can talk to that might
be interested in some freelance work?

Ideas / Needs:
-- Delayed Reports: Two (or more) classes of user, public and private.
Private users see real-time reports. Public users see reports delayed
by X days.
-- Suite of SMS tools - including SMS Automate and SMS Parse
(comparing incoming SMS in the local language and slang to a database
of keywords to pinpoint location and other information)
-- Suite of Mapping Tools - enhancing/updating layers to overlay on
Google Maps - the area is poorly mapped, and needs a lot of work.

At this moment, we are not sure what our budget is - so I would be
interested to talk to those with Ushahidi experience to get an idea of
what this might cost.

Thanks - looking forward to it!

-Loren Bell