Hi Robert,
I think I saw you asked this question on skype too? Did you get an answer already?
You can import a file through the admin, but I don't think we importing custom fields yet.


On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 4:06 AM, robert colombo <robertcolombo@...> wrote:
Hi i'm new to the list but with plenty of job to do...
i would like to import a bulk CSV file with a set of fields not corresponding with the example that Ushaidi Juba Version (Tuis neither) is giving me.
should i create a form first with those fields and then import my csv file? can we upload CSV files with a particular structure. Not that i still have not created a rapport..

suggestion welcome

Robert  Colombo Llimona

GIS Analyst
Vulnerability and Risk Analysis & Mapping (VRAM)
WHO Mediterranean Center for Health Risk Reduction (WMC)

office:    +21671155633 

email:    colombor@...
gpn (WHO only):  67033