Pretty sure that's an openlayers limitation.  Figured the easiest approach to deal with it was to parse the kml and pull the points / lines / polygons in as full-on Ushahidi reports.  Of course that's using a highly subjective definition of "easiest."  

Schuyler Earle was one of the openlayers developers, he's based in the Bay Area and is currently bumming around afghanistan followed by india.  He might be a good person to reach out to if you want more specifics.


George Chamales
Rogue Genius LLC
Phone:  718.288.7718
Skype:  notgeorge

On Sat, Feb 4, 2012 at 11:29 AM, John Etherton <john.etherton@...> wrote:
I know this isn't an Ushahidi specific questions but thought I'd try:

Does anyone know how to make more than one vector layer clickable at a time? Like If you have the dots and a KML layer, you can only click on elements from one layer at a time. Can I make it so you can click on both at the same time?
